How Did We Get Here - From an Idea to Kickstarter


We are so excited to share with you our journey of creating Rampz, from the initial idea to the Kickstarter we are so close to launching. It all started in February of 2020, when Andrew Pizzullo, the founder of Pizzy Products, boarded a plane on the way back from a business trip and set his mind to coming up with an invention. As a little bit of background, Andrew has always been thinking of innovative ideas and has wanted to be an entrepreneur for as long as he can remember. Once he was buckled into his seat on the plane, Andrew thought about yard games and observed that there were plenty of games where you throw or toss, but not many that involved rolling. He very quickly thought of Skeeball and thought that you could just turn the target around and position it above the runway to make a multiplayer game. And that’s exactly what he did – the basis of the game was formed almost instantly. He quickly scribbled some sketches on his notepad and took some notes on his phone, before deciding he should probably wrap it all up so he could keep this prized invention a secret. When he got home and pitched it to his parents, they were actually very intrigued by it and encouraged him to further pursue the idea. This was a new point for Andrew as typically his ideas were shot down on the spot due to some overlooked facet or based on feasibility alone.

An original sketch drafted by Andrew Pizzullo used to pitch his parents the idea of Rampz

     For the next three years, Andrew and his family worked hard to turn his idea into reality. They formed the business Pizzy Products LLC, built prototypes, conducted ball trials, made revisions, applied for patents, created promotional and how-to videos, and continued to perfect their product. Of course, there were several adjustments along the way with some of the bigger ones including the changing of balls to bean bags, removing the fold in the middle, and raising the ramp off the ground. Aside from that, there were also several target design mock ups, name changes, and color schemes among other things. The final two targets for Rampz are the culmination of all those hours put into testing and prototyping, creating a unique play-to-21 design and another that is the ultimate mashup of cornhole & beer pong! Something that is really special about Rampz are the interchangeable targets as not only are there 2 games in 1 in the base version of the product, but it also opens the possibility to introduce more fun games the community wants in the future.

Evolution of Rampz showcasing prototypes and mock ups

In 2023, things really started to pick up as the team prepared for Kickstarter and production. Countless hours went into strategizing, developing, and planning the supply chain, manufacturing ready design, website, fulfillment, sales tax, shipping agreements, cash flow, business plan, etc. Now, after three years of work, Rampz is finally ready to launch on Kickstarter and we need your help to have a successful campaign and start production. The mold costs are extremely high for normal folks like ourselves so Kickstarter will help with that some as well as cover the costs of placing the first order with the manufacturer. The final product has 33 total components to it including carrying bags for easy storage and transport. Be sure to take advantage of our early bird special to save $49 on Rampz the first 24 hours of our campaign to get it at the lowest price possible. We are beyond excited to share Rampz with the world and everyone that has played it so far absolutely loves it. Thank you all for joining us on this journey and helping us make Rampz a reality. You can also follow us on social media for updates and news. Thank you again for your support and interest in Rampz. We hope you love it as much as we do.

A depiction of the production design CAD

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